for Devserver

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Code Sniffer for Devserver

Type: module

Requirement: Devserver

1. Code Sniffer for Devserver

This module is a PHP Code Sniffer version for Devserver. Code Sniffer helps you to have a code clean, consistent and easy to read and maintain in order to reduce bugs and prevent new bugs. Code Sniffer "sniffs" PHP, JavaScript and CSS files to detect violations of a defined coding standard. Standards supported : PEAR, PHPCS, PSR1, PSR2, Squiz and Zend.

2. Dashboard & Code Sniffer

3. Module Code Sniffer

You can "sniff" all files included in your "Portable Directory", "Aliases" or "Virtual Hosts".

4. Navigate

5. Sniff

Select a standard


6. Screencast

7. Uninstall

Easy : delete the module folder.